Dear Blog,

I'm actually glad I have you - even though you're simply just a site where I write down my
thoughts. I don't expect you to understand my predicament. Times like right now is when I really need you. I can't talk to anyone without forming some sort of wall. So, it's nice to write to you.

I need new friends.

I'm stressed and overwhelmed, but there's no point in mentioning it. It's probably old news by now. I'm scrolling through my phone list, and I don't have anyone to talk to. What's the point of knowing so many people, when you can't even talk to them? Everything then just seems like unnecessarily conversations.

I rather be alone, though. Alone, alone, alone.

I hate it when past experiences won't stop repeating in my mind. It was bad enough the first time around, but no matter how much I want to stop thinking about it - I can't. I'm being suffocated by these thoughts that just keep replaying... until I'm chocking on my tears.

Don't cry.

I wish you didn't pass away, because , at least, I would still have you to turn to.

I really miss you.

I guess I haven't grown up from all that teenage angst.


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