The Ghost Apartment Manager Chapter 9

It's been about 6 months since we released the last chapter of this series.  I think it just got lost in the shuffle.  This is actually one of the easier series to translate and clean, so there really is no excuse other than it slipped through the cracks. We should have chapter 10 ready in July soon after our month long anniversary celebration :).

In this chapter we begin to explore Crook's past.  He's as emo as he looks and it's pretty sad.  I don't want to say too much about this chapter because it's a good read.

On to the chapter!

Link to "The Ghost Apartment Manager" Chapter 9: (PDF)

Next up!  Due to Diablo III and my inability to put it down, Magnolia Chp 22 is the only release I'll guarantee before the end of the month.  June, though, will be an exciting month.  We are planning on having a one-shot party for our 3-year anniversary.  We'll also mix in some of our regular series, but my hope is that we will be able to release the rest of the Kuro Lala and Shiro Lala one-shots we've been working on.  If all goes as planned, there should be a release at least once every 2-days.


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