I really hate reading sometimes.

These past few days, I've watched Phantom of the Opera, Anastasia, Hell's Girl, Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin, and the list goes on.

Do you know what I like in a movie? In a book? Happy endings. Happy endings where people are reunited. Happy endings where people find true love. For a moment, I’d like to believe that they really exist all the time. Because once I bounce back to reality, that ending rarely exists. Those sad endings leave me pondering. I ask why and get involved with the concern of why life quite often ends in hopelessness. We have enough disappointments in reality. I don’t need a movie to show me that life doesn’t always happen how you expect it to.

In life, more than half the time, we’ll never be able to achieve all our dreams. Do happy endings raise my expectations? Sometimes, when I get caught up in the moment. But I will always know the limits of my standards. Happy endings give me a bit of hope. I don’t need bitter endings telling me to give up that bit of faith and program me with the thought that I will always be this depressed and alone individual who will never find a significant other. As much as those happy endings deceive me, I would still prefer it over the disappointing closure with no reason to believe in myself.


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