Send In The Clones

If your like us.s. and you GOOGLE yourself a lot,
then you'd usually find these totally unrelated search results linked to your name.
And since we're sicked and tired of having to report them and stuff, we might as well have fun with their posts.And seeing that they're also benefiting from our *ehem-ehem* GOOD NAME a little fun here and there never hurted "BITCH PLEASE", take a chill pill will ya!

then there are those that are only related to the second or third word in your name,
Suprisingly enough, THIS one's actually one of our favorite MAGIC card.And we still wouldn't know it's name weren't for a happy accident we'd like to call: PATIENCE+GOOGLE SEARCH,  
but then again there are those you don't even know how it got there but it eventually did,
then there are ones that you actually like,
some comic pieces that we actually kinda enjoyed,
and ultimately, an entire song which MAY or MAY NOT be a tribute to us.
Thanks advance RI-RI,
hopefully these sort of things never happens again.

Not to you nor to anyone else!


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