Happy Shiro Lala One-Shot: "Bride on Loan" by Ririko Tsujita

I know I said the next one-shot would be gloomy and hella messed up, but things got out of order, and this one-shot is ready to be released instead.  This is actually a good thing because I wanted to break up the gloom.

This is a short light-hearted one-shot.  Since Ririko Tsujita is a new mangaka for me, I had a hard time with her writing style.  I'd like to thank Amrai for the helping me with the translation.  Tsujita-sensei, apparently, doesn't like letting people know who's talking and what specifically they are talking about...sigh...well...I guess this one-shot was a learning experience for me :).

Anyhow...here's on the release!

Link to "Bride on Loan": (PDF)

Next up will be the messed up one-shot from Kuro Lala.  It's called "Sabaku no Requiem" (The Desert's Requiem).  It should be out tomorrow night PST.


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