I'd like to think I'm the mess you'd wear with pride.

On Sunday and today, I was able to see people who I haven't seen for a while (expect for Alex, since I saw him on Friday).


She got me that blazzer/peacoat! Isn't it pretty? :D
Dez & Self
Dez: "You were such a spoiled bitch during middle school, but I loved you for that.~"
Me: "HEY, WELL, I ... I have nothing to say that. HMPH. Dez, do you want to go eat?"
Dez:"Yeah, I'm kind of hungry, too. Let's go to Kazoos?"
Me:"I was thinking that too~"


I was busy for the most part of today, but during the evening Alex came over! Oh, how I missed hugging him. We were starving, and we initially planned to go to Target and buy spaghetti and sausages to cook together, but our plan changed. Instead we walked downtown to eat at Chicago Pizza. Alex never ate there, so it was a treat for him! I paid for my wife just like any husband would~

I snuck him back into my house, because I wanted him to sleep over. We watched Wedding Singer. The first time I saw it, it was with Mindy, my 3rd wife, I never knew Adam Sander could sing like that! Towards midnight, Alex got an upset stomach, and he ended up throwing up a bit. According to him, it was because he ate too much. Note to self: never give Alex that much food. I felt helpless for not doing anything, even though there was nothing I could do.

After that we listened to music, talked, cuddled, and fell asleep. Falling asleep in his arms is just ;U;

Alex has such a cute cheesy smile<3
I like it when he kisses me on the forehead, and then he gives me one of those cute cheesy smiles, and I get these butterflies in my tummy. Sometimes, after those tummy butterflies I yank the life out of his cheeks. >:D

Garlic Bread with Cheese
Me: "Do you mind if I double dip, honey?"
Alex: "Nah, it's cool, baby. We do make out."
Me -gives him that look- >:|
Alex: "Hey, we do!"
Me -continues to give him that look and takes another bite of the bread-

I can't remember the name of the pizza, but that's what I ate with Alex, my loveable wife. He's my 6th wife~ :) There's meatballs, pepperoni, ham, and a couple of other things, but I can't tell in the picture.


In the morning/afternoonish, I made pho for Alex. Then, we watched Sleep Hallow together, but he fell asleep halfway through the movie. I ended up watching the movie by myself. There were a couple of suspense scenes, and I was like grabbed onto his hand, squeezing the life out of them, and he just kept snoring away. He woke up later, and we walked downtown to go meet up with Andrew to get back my book. It wasn't as awkward or scary as I thought it was, but it was still nerve wrecking. I'm glad Alex came with me, though. I think I may have cried after walking away, if Alex wasn't there.

After we got the book, we went to drop off Alex's application at Camera 12, and walked to get some frozen yogurt.

Yogurt & Picasso with mini gummy bears, kiwi, and lychee
Alex doesn't eat fresh fruit(well, certain fresh fruit), since he gets this weird reaction in his throat. I'm a fruit lover, though!

Nikki & Self
Friends since the 6th grade~

Alex & Self
I'm so short, fuck.
No, not really. I gave Maggie all my food like always.

The guy at the end of the table is Jonathan(?). I don't know him, but next to him is Nikki, and the guy covering his face is Griffin.
This is Maggie, she is my 4th wife. We had a semi-falling out, but now I think we're wives again, so I'm pretty happy about that. So, Griffin, thank you for inviting Maggie.

Me:"MAGGIE!!! I like Alex!~"
Maggie: "Yes, I figured that out."
Me: "Yes, it's a bit obvious..."
Maggie: "Hey, I though that you liked Korean guys....and Joseph Gorden-Levitt was the only white guy."
Me:"Uh...well... um... Alex is the other exception, but I still have a fetish for Korean guys!Yes, I know fetish means an obsession with inanimate objects. - starts to tell the story of the really, really cute Korean guy I saw in Times Square during Black Friday- " :D

Self & Alex (break your neck to see this image picture)
Alex, you're so cute! I want to hug you right now.

Self & Alex
My stupid bangs are so long. I don't want to cut them, though! I want them to grow out, so I won't have bangs anymore. But then again, I don't know. I can't decide.

Maggie & Self
1st wife picture since August~
My camera and the nonfocus it does -_-;;

Self & Alex
Alex: "Hey, what are we making? A 'b'? Oh, okay."

Self & Alex
After several punches, laughing so hard to the merge of tears(Alex), along with out of focus pictures, we finally got a heart picture!
Hehe. :3

I'm going to really miss this boy when I leave California.

Maggie & Self
In the background, with a frustrated and semi confused tone, Griffin says, "Elizabeth, what's up with you and your weird faces and gestures?"

Maggie, Self, & Alex
Me:"Why does everyone pick on me? -SOBS-"
Alex:".... photo-bomb. CHYEAHH."

Maggie & Self
Maggie:"Who still uses myspace now? Everyone uses facebook."
Me:"Yes, everyone uses facebook. I don't have a facebook anymore, though."
Maggie:"I know! D:<<<"

My camera seriously needs to focus

Me: "You, wife, are ridiculous. Go make me a sandwich,and stop making that face!
I am not a wife-beater at all, right?~~"
-does a cutesy face-
Alex: "...no. *hugs"
Me: Hehe.


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