New Challenge. DAY 1 - describe your first kiss and who it was with

The first kiss given to me was one of my close guy friends, but the kiss I considered as my first true kiss was given to me by my first boyfriend, Johnny.

He showed me the world from a different perspective. The biggest regret I had with him was that I never showed him how much he really meant to me. I never opened up to him. I never told him I loved him. I pushed him aside, when he was trying to understand and really get to know me. Half of the time, I felt not right for him. I was scared, if I told him why, or showed him who I was he would hate me. It's foolish, I know. I blame this on my personality from my insecurities to my nonexistent confidence. The other half of the was for him not trusting me and not believing in me.

Maybe it just happened to fast. Way to fast.

We couldn't seem to get it together once it started to fall apart. We didn't talk to each other, and we both pushed each other further away. We finally got to that point of enough is enough. We were both hurting, and that was it.

And when it ended, I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I waited for him, but he barely said a word to me after that. In my mind, I kept telling myself that it was just some misunderstanding, and we'll be back together. We would both get our minds back. He'll hold me tight, and we'll both confront each other, but that never happened.

After awhile, I moved on.


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