Do tears even work anymore?
I have this nagging feeling that I'll never see you again. I wish I could tell you, but I can't find the words. Maybe I'd rather listen to you lie to me. I can't even say, "Don't leave me, please come back, please."
I wonder, I wonder when you let go of my hand, did you forget everything about me?
I screamed out until my lungs collapsed in my ribcage and my voice was nothing more than a whisper. I continued to let the tears flood out until a lake had formed around me, and I melted in to it and became one with the floor and all the while I still clung onto my heart because it just hurt so much. I cried because my heart couldn’t physically cry, and cried because I didn’t know what else to do, and I cried because I missed him so much, and I cried because at that moment, I realized that he was gone.
He was really gone, and I was all alone again.
It's sad to admit how true it is:
I really am irrelevant.

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