"Akagami no Shirayukihime" Chp 34

I'd love to see a clean version of this drawing.  It's too bad when the tankoubon is published, the clean image will be in black-and-white instead of color.  Maybe one day Akidzuki-sensei will bless us with an illustration book so we can see clean versions of the color title pages.

This chapter sets the premise for the present story arc.  Honestly, the medical/pharma stuff doesn't interest me. Rather, I'm more interested in whether Ms. Naki is Izana's love interest.  Haha!  I guess I just want to see what kind of woman Izana ends up with.  I'm rather impatient and I want to get to the heart-to-heart between Izana and Shirayuki and I want some Zen and Shirayuki time...sigh...haha, but well...I guess I have to eat my veggies first before we get to the meat and dessert.

Onto the link!

Link to AnS Chp 34: (PDF) (If the file won't open in your browser, download the file and open it in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat on your PC. Problems have been reported using the Chrome browser.)

Next up! There will be a short lull while we prepare the next batch of releases!


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