Updated! Kuro Lala One-shot: "The Desert's Requiem" by Junko Ike (Version 2)

I have mixed feelings about this one-shot.  On one hand I understand the message and the metaphors, but on the other hand, as an American, there is some cultural imagery associated with what happens at the end of this one-shot that really upset me.  There's the obvious sensitivity I would have as a black person and then there's the matter of how the dead are treated.  Given this, I apologize now if this one-shot offends you.  You have to understand, though, that the Japanese do not have the same historical context and, therefore, their cultural viewpoint is much different. Realizing that was the only way I was able to appreciate how this one-shot ended.

That said, onto the release!

Updated 6/14/2012 -- moderate changes to the translation of a handful of pages. If you are keeping an archive, you should download the new version.
Link to "The Desert's Requiem" (version 2): (PDF) Updating file...

Your feedback on this one-shot is welcomed.  Please let us know how you feel about it.

Next up will either be "Red House" or "Noeoto"


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