Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Hello there.

I can't pinpoint on who exactly you are to direct this letter to(though I actually know many of you (friends) who are going through hard times), but I'm sorry that you're going through all this. But sooner or later, you'll get up again. It may not be tomorrow, or next week, but it will be soon.

Don't give up, don't lose hope, don't let all your angst get the best of you. It's hard to keep holding on, but don't let go. Please, don't let go. I'm begging you.

I believe in you. I really, really do. I promise I'll lend a ear to listen to you whenever you need me to. You can lean on me when you're weak, and I promise I'll carry you with all the strength I have. I know I'm in the right position to say this, but hold your ground and keep fighting. I promise I'll be by your side fighting with you.

Love always, Elizabeth


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