Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

Dear Elizabeth,

There's only a month until you go to college.You should try to hang out with everyone at least once before you go. Don't just pack your bags and just leave without saying goodbye to anyone like you always do. Some people will actually miss you when you're gone.  I know you'll be missing a couple of people too, so make sure to say goodbye and write them letters every now and then. Most importantly though, keep in touch with everyone.

I've noticed something about you. You always pretend the things you don't want, and you pretend to not want that things you want. You let everyone have their happiness, you don't want them to get hurt, but you never think about your own happiness.  I want you to have what you want. Find your reason to smile.

I know this may never happen, but try to stop thinking that you're a disappointment to everyone around you. I know exactly why you don't want too. I know that you built walls around your heart because of your past. But you're ripping yourself apart from the inside out.

You know, your boyfriend really loves you. He may not show it as much as you want him to, he may not always be there, but he does care for you and wants to be there for you the best that he can. I know you love him dearly too, so have faith in him a bit more. Right now, you're scared of what's going to happen with your relationship with him in a month. I know you want to be him with throughout college and so-forth. Don't think that it's stupid, foolish, or even silly to believe in forever. If you love someone enough, you should want to be with them forever. It's only right. Yes, no one can tell the future, but the future is partially determined by actions and things said today. Have confidence in your love, even if you know it may not last. Have faith in each other.

Signed, yourself


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