
I finally chose my research paper topic, it's going to be about the role of a neurotransmitter/brain area in the etiology and treatment of a psychopathology. I feel like a sloth today, so I haven't started yet. I did some other things today though! I turned in a internship application, finished a chapter of chemistry, and I am halfway done with my biology lab report. I'll go write up my interview paper after I finish with this entry.

It's funny how nostalgia hits you in the face sometimes.

I remember when I would listen to one of my friends play piano. When I stopped playing, he would always encourage me to pick it back up. I always replied saying that if I was ever going to pick up piano again, and play seriously, I would first learn Fantasie Impromptu, because that was where I left off. He always wanted me to learn this other song, that I could never remember the name of, but I finally found it today. I shall master Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2 1st movment by the end of June. Fuck my social life. I'm going to take piano seriously again.


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