Day 8 : Your favorite internet friend

Dear favorite internet friends (Elaine, Vincent, and Chris),
You guys are the best. I'm happy that we became friends. And hopefully we'll be able to see each other someday soon.

Elaine, I'm so upset that my letter has not arrived to you yet. Ugh, I put in a present in there too! Your letter better come to me, or, or .... the postal office shall face my wrath. How are we suppose to be actual pen-pals if the postal service doesn't like me?!

Vincent, at the moment you're so into the World Cup and the NBA.I lack all that spirit that you have. I kinda wished I had it.

Chris, I'm not sure if you're reading this blog with all your exams coming up. But  I just wanted to say that you do tell the most awesome stories, and I would love to hear more of them sometime soon.


...I just realized something, you guys are all from Australia.



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