Thank you 哥, you couldn't have said it better.

 Michael Rivera 09 May at 19:40 :
"There's something my good friend wrote about something similar. She wrote in her blog, "you don't have to say conclusion out loud, but you've been silently screaming it to me, therefore, I can now form my own".

You need to stop thinking about him. You don't need to 'try' to stop thinking about him. You flat-out MUST NOT think about him. I know that he'll pop up in your mind every now and then - that's inevitable. I know you may still run into him, and he may still contact you out of the blue, but mei, if you want me advice, and if you acknowledge that I care about you, do what you have to do to ignore him.

There are plenty of people out there just waiting to screw with your mind and heart, and Andrew is taking advantage of this opportunity, whether he admits to it or not, whether he does it consciously or subconsciously, whether you choose to believe it or not. You can’t deny that he is messing around with your emotions – true love would make you overlook his shortcomings, but it’s obvious that you’re not blinded by your feelings towards him, and that you’ve got sense to know you’re being hurt.

I know he means a lot to you right now, and I know you feel you mean a lot to him. But it sounds to me like it isn’t working out, and for whatever reason (please don’t ponder the reasons anymore), he is not demonstrating that he reciprocates your feelings, or even respects you enough.

Get on with your day, your end-of-year, your life and let go of him. I’m not saying you postpone dealing with him – I’m saying you don’t ever deal with him any time soon. I’m not saying you should ‘begin’ getting over him – I’m saying you have to get over him right now. I’m not saying you should try to let go of him – I’m saying you have to let go of him.

Trust me please. You're way too good to be treated like that. You'll find someone else some other day - but don't waste your heart's passion on a guy like that."


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