Current mood: Crappy

 Today, was the first day of summer school. My English 1A teacher seems just a like bit too quirky for me. She tries really hard to be funny, but I don't see the humor in her at all. But then again, everyone else in the class enjoys her humor. So... it's just me then.

My Shakespeare class though so far is great! I got pretty upset when I found out that I was suppose to get Henry the IV instead of Henry the IV. SJCC's bookstore screwed up the order. That then lead me to miss watching The Karate Kid with Mindy, and walk all the way to the Prune Yard, since there's a Barnes and Nobles there. Little did I know that the Prune Yard was that far. I remembered it being closer, but then again I took the bus going there last time.

My other class (oral communication) doesn't start until July 6th. Mhmm.

I also convinced Maggie to join the Shakespeare class with me along with the oral communication class. I know for a fact that she'll get into the Shakespeare class, since there's a lot of room left, but the oral communication class I'm a bit uncertain....I'm on the wait list for that one too. I hope the both of us get in though.

Bye, bye, never say goodbye
Even though it's not me by your side
I need you , I just can't say it but I want you
I cannot stop wishing for you

There are days when I just miss you so much
There are days when I just long for your touch
"I love you" somehow flies right off my lips and so
Once again I'm left crying for you-
Because I'm stupid -StillNotDavid 


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