Oh, Elaine.

[i]Elaine, K3[/i] says:
please get better soon
I don't want you to be in this rut for any longer
I want you to smile genuinely

Elizabeth says:
...I'll try~

[i]Elaine, K3[/i] says:
don't say "try"
because that gives the option of failure

- - - -
Even though, you're across the other side of the world you can still sense my sadness. I feel horrible. I miss him so much. I actually woke up this morning crying. I've been crying constantly. I think I cry too much. I've been trying to laugh and smile it off, but somehow this time I can't seem to do so. Haha.

I keep on questioning myself on what I've done wrong.

I think I told you about the letter I wrote for him, or I at least mentioned it or something. Well, I wrote him two. One's a complete lie(well, semi-lie), while the other one is the truth. I hope he figures out which one is which.

You know, I really, really hope we both get into Columbia. Imagine how that will be! I'm not sure if we'll be roommates, since you're going to be a incoming freshmen, and I shall be a transfer student. But I do know that transfer students have to go through similar stuff the freshmen go through, we'll attend the events together!

The transfer students at my school dorm with the freshmen, so I'll have my fingers crossed that we will be at least in the same dorm or something! If we don't get to be roommates, I think it's possible for us to request to be roommates. We just have to get it okay-ed with the other person we're rooming with, and then ask them to switch with us. :)

Thank you for being there for me. I love you Elaine Kim. <3


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